Consulting, Data Management, Integrity, and Support for Candidates, Campaigns and Precinct Committeemen.
Check Voter Voting History.
Verify & track Petition Signatures for correct party and district.
Detect multiple signatures from same voter before you submit them.
Keep a single, complete list of ALL valid signatures.
Track donations by date and doner as well as having a complete list of voter donations.
Use Precinct Committeemen Lists to meet the other Committeemen in your precinct AND the other precincts in your Legislative or Congressional districts, so you can function as a coordinated force to FILL THE VACANCIES!!
With custom walking lists designed for your specific objectives, by selecting single or multiple parties, and precincts within selected districts (Legislative, Congressional, School, Fire,Water, etc.)
You can visit the most likely voters whithout the necessity of visiting ALL the voters in your precinct.
Roderick and Randy have owned and operated Arizona's Printer Services, inc. for over 20 years and understand our community.
Roderick has over 20 years of experience database programming and developed mission specific applications including payroll, inventory, invoicing, costing, and production lists to automate and co-ordinate a multi-million dollar factory.
Armed with the same voter and election data available to our competitors, we are able to do things none of them can.
By meeting the needs of our clients, the diversity of uses and custom reports we can generate will amaze you.
If you have specific ways you wish to use your voter lists that are not available we can likely develop a solution for your needs.
The future uses are waiting to be developed and will evolve as new features are designed and integrated into the system, ever expanding its utility with each new application and ability.
Exposing voter fraud and improving election integrity is almost a side effect of viewing this data in new ways from unique perspectives and with new parameters.
Come and help us design the future of this data set and benefit in ways you could only imagine as they become reality!!